To: Carter
From: Momma
Happy birthday to my little man!!!! Already 1 year old :) It has been such a joy being your mother. I have loved every minute I spend with you! Yes, even those times when you are screaming because you're mad at something. You are my little ray of sunshine. I love looking at the world through your eyes.
In the 1 year that Daddy and I have known you we've learned a lot about who you are, what makes you happy, your favorites, and so much more. Here are just a few of those:
1) You Love sleeping
2) Bath time is one of your favorites!
Most of the time...
3) You're a book worm!
4)You are captivated by technology
Skyping with Grandparents |
Stealing moms cell phone |
5) You are such a little helper
6) You love it when mom tickles you... unless you're grumpy
7) If mom would let you, you would live outside
8) You have mastered the stairs (except for the decent part)
9) You are a little stinker :)
10) Walks are another favorite
11) You love eating (no idea where it all goes)
12) You love your pacifier (ever since the nurse introduced you)
13) You are a little jumping bean
14) You love your Daddy
15) You have a one of a kind personality
Your Daddy and I love you So SO SOO so much! I can't imagine a bigger blessing in our family. You are wonderful and I am excited to get to know you even more in the next... well, eternity.
Love you lots!!!!
<3 Momma